Eden Garden Primary School is private school in Moshi. It is located about 400 m from TVL house. Eden garden is well organized and well working primary school.
Teaching language is English, which makes it perfect school for internship. Teachers and students in the school are already got used to work with volunteers and interns, so they warmly welcome everyone. Teachers allows interns to take part in the teaching and they are counted in to school plans.
Eden Garden accepts students from every tribe, religion, race and colors. The students age are between 4-15. There is about 280 students in the school, and per class there is about 40 kids.
Eden Garden primary school follows Tanzanian official curriculum and they teach English, Mathematics, Art and Craft, Social study's, Kiswahili, Science and Religion.
They have their own websites: http://edengardenschools.ac.tz/index.php.
Eden Garden Primary School is private school in Moshi. It is located about 400 m from TVL house. Eden garden is well organized and well working primary school.
Teaching language is English, which makes it perfect school for internship. Teachers and students in the school are already got used to work with volunteers and interns, so they warmly welcome everyone. Teachers allows interns to take part in the teaching and they are counted in to school plans.
Eden Garden accepts students from every tribe, religion, race and colors. The students age are between 4-15. There is about 280 students in the school, and per class there is about 40 kids.
Eden Garden primary school follows Tanzanian official curriculum and they teach English, Mathematics, Art and Craft, Social study's, Kiswahili, Science and Religion.
They have their own websites: http://edengardenschools.ac.tz/index.php.